Being Your Horse’s Advocate Won’t Change The World…
But It Will Change Your Horse’s World!
The Missing Horse Owner’s Manual
There is a difference between someone who owns a horse and someone who knows horses. Separating them is either a teacher or the lack of one. And who taught that teacher?
Horses are complicated to care for but only because it has been made complicated by people wanting to sell you something. I call this “COMPLEXICATING” and it is everywhere in the horse world. This frustrates, confuses, frightens and causes horse owners to become burned out. They quit because their desire to enjoy their horses, to provide them with a good and healthy life or to succeed in their sport is never achieved fully. Worse, they spend more money than they have or the horse becomes unusable or worse.
Some horses enjoy living in a human world but actually, most horses in human care have no choice. They thrive or suffer at the hands of their care giver. They have no advocate to explain their needs and it isn’t because you don’t try. However the owner’s manual for horses is missing. Mentors would hand this knowledge down to their offspring but those days are gone. Many horse owners are searching for answers and you may have found this site because of the need to find the missing horse owner’s manual.

The owners manual for the Care of Horses developed from decades of experience.
The Horse’s Advocate is about understanding what makes a horse work and then adapting that correctly so they can thrive in the human world they now live in. Using 50 years of working with horses, veterinary training with 40 years in practice and learning from cutting edge research, this website is an effort to reconstruct and update the horse owner’s manual in a way that all horse owners in the world can understand it. It is a constant and never ending process of learning for all of us.
The material in the “Topics” page above is filled with articles, images and videos all for free. Everything you need to know all organized and accessible right now. No gimmicks, nothing to buy. Bookmark it and return often as a resource to launch further study on your own.

Building or renovating, these Farms and Barns ideas will save time, money and provide safety for your horses.
How Can A Website Help My Horses?

All the things that can go wrong with horses are in the Horse Diseases section
The original website here was a pictorial of horse and barn care divided into sections. Then I re-developed the images, re-described them and re-posted them in this website you are looking at today with the addition of videos and written material. I did all of this because I realized that the horse owner’s manual was missing and if I didn’t do it, this information would be lost forever.
The material in this website represents my experiences, my training and my conclusions. It will be different than what you have been taught because of the deep conviction in me to question everything. I am not a parrot. I say things in this website to start an intelligent discussion of important subjects. It really stems from the “But why Mommy?” game we all have played. After several attempts of “Mommy” (the agenda driven marketing material and research) to answer my “But why” question, she tells me to go ask my Dad (the veterinary profession). When I do, the answer is usually, “Because I said so.” This doesn’t help.
This website is about asking “But why?” and realizing the answers are evolving. Good science is always asking questions assuming that what we know today is wrong, or at least could be more accurate. The material here is NOT medical advice. It is a conversation starter. It is digging for more accurate answers while dispelling myths, throwing out unfounded answers and removing agenda driven bias. Enjoy the refreshing air here. We ALL are in training to ask better questions.

All the parts of the horse including what is inside them and how they work in the Horse Systems section

Doc T
I started with horses in 1973 working professionally on a Thoroughbred breeding and training farm. I completed my veterinary training at Cornell University in 1984. I had my own equine practice for 12 years and since 1998 I have performed exclusively Horsemanship Dentistry on over 72,000 horses. If you want to know my story, read my autobiography “Since The Days Of The Romans – My Journey Of Discovering A Life With Horses” (this link will take you to the Amazon site in a new window – read the reviews!).
What makes this site unique is the simplicity in the information I give. I break it down into small steps in easy to understand words. I know you well because I have been with you my whole professional life. I have heard all of the questions you have and have listened to the frustrations you have experienced. This site is my way of putting all of what I know together to respond clearly and with actions you can take to help in this overwhelming situation you have found yourself in. I clear away the clutter because I know the clutter, I can identify it and I can eliminate it. What is left are answers that make sense.
One website – 2 parts
Part one is what you see here.
All the information you need in the missing horse owner’s manual grouped into 4 sections and organized into chapters and topics.
My general blogs as well as my recorded podcasts are also available here to view at any time.
Sign up for the FREE email newsletter to find out what new material has been added.
Use the enlarge icon on the video.
Part two is the membership site
The key differences in this membership part are:
- The ability to interact with like minded people. The forums are where the action is but there is more to this. It is a social network without the politics of the other public mega social media sites like Facebook. Only horse advocates are here and you can DM (direct message) each other and even start your own groups without the fear of the world watching you.
- You get exclusive access to special live podcasts and live webinars.
- You will have access to these two courses 1) How To Feed Horses and 2) The Essentials Of Equine Dentistry. And there are more to come! These courses offer a deep dive into subjects with quizzes after each unit plus a final exam.
- Another exclusive for members is the access to organized material in grouped blogs, booklets and courses for easier access.
Use the enlarge icon on the video.
I’m Saddled Up. Now What?
Here is a selection of topics I think you might be interested in. These represent where I want to go with this website and over time, it will fill up with more information. If you are looking for something else, try the search area at the very top of every page – right hand corner.
- An introduction to coat colors and patterns
- An introduction to horse nutrition
- An introduction to horse fencing
- Driving tips for hauling horses
- Caudal heel pain in horses
- Corneal ulcers in horses
Sign up for the newsletter if you are excited to hear more of what is coming to this site.