Horse Metabolism And Hormones

Metabolism And Hormones

Articles, podcasts and other materials here all in alphabetical order. Remember the search option 🔍. Members get more details in the forums, Rounds and comments (discover membership here).

Horse Metabolism And Hormones – An Introduction

The fluids of the body are the magic that makes all the cells and organs work.  This river of life carries in it gasses (oxygen, nitrogen), fuels (glucose, ketone bodies), messengers (hormones, pre-hormones), workers (enzymes, building and repair materials), scouts...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Amyloidosis

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Anhidrosis (Non-sweating)

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material I mean, no sweat as in your horse has stopped sweating. For anyone in the latitudes where it never gets above 85 degrees F or the humidity is moderate, you will never know what I’m talking about. I wish I had a picture of the first...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Cushing’s Disease

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Diabetes Insipidus

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Goiter

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Insulin Resistance

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Metabolism And Hormones – Obesity And Weight Loss

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Increased body fat, (aka “good do-ers or “easy keepers”) is one of my most in-depth topics here at THA. A lot of the blogs and basics of nutrition can be found in the Nutrition topic of the Horse Care section. In...

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Testimonial – Sweating Again In 3 Days

This is areport from the owner of a 27 year horse being fed with care but will not sweat in the summer heat. “I know you wanted an update on how he was doing so this is what I’ve got so far: Well, we’ve completed the 1 week “diet reset” where I...

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No Sweat!

I mean, no sweat as in your horse has stopped sweating. For anyone in the latitudes where it never gets above 85 degrees F or the humidity is moderate, you will never know what I’m talking about. I wish I had a picture of the first horse I had actually known with...

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ECEIM Consensus Statement On Equine Metabolic Syndrome

The European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM) issued a consensus statement on a problem affecting a lot of horses called in general, Equine Metabolic Syndrome or EMS. I want to summarize here some of the key points and then add my 2 cents. Obesity The...

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Podcast #002 – Carbohydrate Dependency in Horses

What is carbohydrate (sugar) dependency in horses and how does it lead to chronic protein deficiency and insulin resistance? This is a fundamental question every horse owner should try to understand in order to 1) feed horses correctly and 2) prevent most diseases in...

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Podcast #003 – Cushing’s Disease In Horses

The pituitary is a small gland at the bottom of the brain that regulates so many hormones in the horse. Without it, the body of every mammal (horse and human) would become unbalanced and eventually destroy itself. And it is only the size of a pea! Disease of the...

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Podcast #006 – The Calcium To Phosphorus Ratio

Calcium (Ca) and Phosphorus (P) are two of the most plentiful minerals in your horse and are required for bone structure, muscle function and hundreds of other metabolic functions. However they compete for uptake in the digestive tract. When there is more phosphorus...

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Podcast #008 – Equine Endocrinology

Equine endocrinology is a deep and complicated subject but in this podcast, Geoff Tucker, DVM (Doc T) reports on a webinar he attended for continuing education credit presented by a pharmaceutical company. Dr Tucker addresses their perspectives as compared to what he...

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Podcast #024 – The Mighty Mitochondria

Within the cells of our horses are power stations where fuel is converted into energy. Without this power station called the mitochondria, the cell and thus the horse dies. In reality, the mitochondria are organisms living within our cells as a symbiotic relationship...

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Podcast #025 – Hormesis, Rapamycin and Horses

All things in life experience an ebb and flow much like the seasons, the loss of leaves of the oak tree, the tides or the birth and death of all living things. What seems to be the challenge for all of us and our horses is not just having a long life but to be healthy...

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Podcast #036 – Endocrine Disease And The Equine Athlete

I attended a Zoom meeting hosted by the FVMA with the presenter Dr Jane Manfredi of Michigan State.The title of her talk was “Quick On Their Feet: Endocrine Disease And The Equine Athlete.” I arrived a few minutes late but from what I could tell, this was a...

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No Sweat!

I mean, no sweat as in your horse has stopped sweating. For anyone in the latitudes where it never...

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