Digestive System Of Horses

Digestive System

Articles, podcasts and other materials here all in alphabetical order. Remember the search option 🔍. Members get more details in the forums, Rounds and comments (discover membership here).

Horse Digestive System – An Introduction

The digestive tract starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. It is a tube that runs through the body and the contents within this tube are really outside the body – like the hole in the doughnut. The lining of the digestive tract keeps out the things that are...

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Horse Digestive System – Choke

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Digestive System – Colic

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Digestive System – Diarrhea

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Digestive System – Leaky Gut Syndrome

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Digestive System – Ulcers

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Horse Immune Diseases – Insect Sensitivity

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Doughnut Hole

Think of the Doughnut hole, the space filled with air going from the top to the bottom of the Doughnut. Now place your finger in the Doughnut and wear it like a ring. Is there any question that the hole is NOT the Doughnut? Yet without the Doughnut, there would be no...

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Symbiosis And The Horse’s Gut

I am trying to make sense of things but I keep coming up short when determining why grain causes so many issues in horses. My search has led me to an idea that is based on research in human nutrition.  In this and blogs I am writing over the next several weeks I will...

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Here is a new word for many of you but we have known about them for a while. A lectin is a protein made by plants. OK so far? The things I will be writing about here are mind blowing – and very new. I am excited about this information for a lot of reasons. The...

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Constantly At War

Are We Really Constantly At War? Is there a never ending battle between us and them where if we win, we live and if we don’t, we die? Is this going on right now in the guts of our horses? This has been a tough week with the insane shootings in Las Vegas. Today I...

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Gut Microbes – Decomplexicating Equine Nutrition Part 3 of 12

So far we have covered the definition of grazers as an animal that eats cellulose. We have discussed the similarities between carbohydrates (glucose, starch, cellulose, glycogen), fats (triglycerides, short chain fatty acids, ketones) and amino acids (the building...

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Foal Diseases – Diarrhea

SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page.  Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...

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Podcast #022 – Parasites Revisited and Liver Disease

I attended two meetings recently. One was about parasites in horses and was worth revisiting for a fresh perspective. The other was about liver disease in horses. While these sound beyond the routine needs of horse owners, I know that many of you want to bridge your...

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Podcast #033 – Understanding The Basics Of Colic In Horses

.As a veterinarian, I have seen many horses with colic and as a horse owner, I have experienced colic personally. There is one thing for certain and that is we need to prevent it from happening in the first place. This is why The Horse’s Advocate explains the harm of...

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Podcast #039 – Sand Colic In Horses

Sand colic in horses is defined as a blockage in the digestive tract due to the accumulation of sand. It is common where horses graze on land with a sand base. But even if your horses live nowhere near sand, this podcast has value. The root cause of sand accumulation...

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Doughnut Hole

Think of the Doughnut hole, the space filled with air going from the top to the bottom of the...

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Here is a new word for many of you but we have known about them for a while. A lectin is a protein...

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Constantly At War

Are We Really Constantly At War? Is there a never ending battle between us and them where if we...

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