Horse Farm Training Equipment – An Introduction
These areas and pieces of equipment are needed to support the training and development of horses for athletic endeavors. You might find some other training equipment in the therapy section such as vibrating plates. These topics are specific to training the horse and not in their recovery phase.
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Horse Farm Training Equipment – Exercise Machines
Exercise machines have become very popular on farms. They come in many varieties from treadmills to walkers. How they are placed on the farm is of interest in this gallery.
Horse Farm Training Equipment – Extreme Trail
Extreme trail riding has become popular, though there have been plenty of old cowboy books written where the good guy had to do some extreme riding to get to where he wanted to go. This one is located in south Florida near my home.
Horse Farm Training Equipment – Jog Tracks
Jog tracks are popular for many reasons, the most important one is the cost of building one. I had a 1/2 mile oval on a figure 8 track bull dozed on my farm in upstate New York that went through the woods. It became a great place to leg up a horse using LSD – Long, Slow, Distance.
Horse Farm Training Equipment – Jumps
Jumps are either smoothed branches or well designed works of art. Here are some that I have captured for anyone wanting to look at some fancy jumps.
Horse Farm Training Equipment – Round Pens
Round pens are made in many ways. Some simple panels and others engineering marvels.