Horse Arenas – Covered
Covered arenas are made to shelter the horse and rider from weather and strong sunlight. They can be built with 4 enclosing walls, with one side permanently open with a half wall, with sides or half walls that can open and close or with no walls at all. Irrigation systems can be hung from the ceiling for dust control. Fans can help with ventilation. Music and PA systems can be installed. They can be attached directly to the barn or separate from the barn with or without a covered walkway. They can be made with wood or steel trusses and some of the wood can be basic trusses or laminated boards. All are rectangular in my experience. The width is dependent on the materials used and the anticipated roof load with the additional weight of snow collapsing many covered arenas. Footing can range from dirt to sand to special mixes laid in layers.
This gallery displays many of the covered arenas for your imagination to explore. Grab a cup of coffee, darken the room, grab a pen and paper to write notes, and sit back and enjoy.
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