Hematology In Horses – An Introduction

Hematology in horses

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Horse Disease Prevention – Veterinary Certificate Of Inspection

Every horse has the potential to carry with it diseases that no other horse wants to get.  To prevent the spread of diseases that could have devastating effects on the visiting community of horses, the federal government set up a process of inspecting every horse that ships across state lines.

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Horse Disease Prevention – Coggins Test (EIA)

The Coggins Test diagnoses the presence of a past infection of the non-infectious disease called Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) caused by a retrovirus of the same name in horses.  It is commonly called “Swamp Fever” which debilitates the horse with a high fever, anemia, limb swelling and often death.  Some horses get a less severe form that causes recurring fever, weight loss, anemia and swelling of the limbs and sheath.  Surviving horses will be exercise intolerant due to the chronic anemia and fever will come and go without cause.  They will also become a reservoir that can become the source of infection to other horses.

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Horse Disease Prevention – Entropy As A Disease

I love the word “entropy” because it applies to everyone and everything in the horse world as well as the whole world.  It means a gradual decline from order to disorder.  It applies to horse farms and horse health alike.  It requires the continuous application of energy to maintain order.

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Horse Disease Prevention – An Introduction

This subject is important as it could be called financial loss prevention or pain and suffering prevention.  

Prevention of disease boils down into two categories.  Primary prevention includes vaccination, good nutrition and avoiding other horses with disease (quarantine).  Secondary prevention involves removing causes such as stress from over crowding, removing sources of fly breeding and cleaning up filthy environments.

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Horse Disease Prevention – Medications

Medicating horses has become easy in an age where pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals are abundant.  Unfortunately their use circumvents two things.  The first is the removal of the cause of the problem they are being medicated for.  The second is not realizing the side effects of the medication.

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Horse Disease Prevention – Parasite Control

Pastures are shrinking and the number of horses per pasture are increasing.  This leads to a sanitation problem where horses are eating where they defecate.  Rather than resolve the sanitation, medicines were created that killed a lot of parasites but allowed for the development of strains that were resistant to the medications. 

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Circulatory System In Horses – An Introduction

The cardiovascular system is the plumbing of the body.  This is the system that distributes food, oxygen, communication molecules (hormones), repair and maintenance molecules (enzymes) and defense cells (first responders and police investigators).  It is also responsible for taking out the trash and delivering it to the filters of the body (liver and kidneys) and returning messages from the body’s organs back to the brain or to other organs.  The system is constantly monitored so that the pressure is maintained or increased when the body is needing more materials (exercise, illness), the density is measured (hydration) and the temperature both locally (heat in a limb) or systemically (fever) is adjusted.

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A Better Approach To Parasite Control

Parasite control is being debated within the profession. The worry of resistance is real. But the truth of controlling parasites lies in how your mother prevented them in you. This is a tough-love advice blog on true parasite control in horses.

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Horse Disease Prevention – Vaccinations

The bottom line here for horse vaccinations is to do them for diseases that will kill your horse, do them judiciously if you need protection (open versus closed herds), avoid diseases by quarantining new arrivals and shake the vaccine like crazy before injecting them.

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Circulatory System In Horses – Thrombosis

The veins of horses normally do not have obstructions but when they become occluded either partially or fully, then the blood flow ceases and they become enlarged. the blockage is usually a blood clot called a thrombosis.

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Circulatory System In Horses – Dependent Edema

Blood, like any liquid, falls to the lowest point. When the liquid part of blood leaks out of the blood vessels, it always gravitates to the low point. It is usually a sign of general body inflammation that caused the vessels to leak.

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How did your parents deworms you? Fecal egg counts, dewormers and natural control are discussed here. The cause of infection and controlling worms is really easy and free.

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The End Of A Year – Tetanus In A Horse

This is a story about tetanus in a foal, a bacterial disease that paralyzes horses (and humans) killing them when they can no longer breathe. We vaccinate for this disease and it is almost 100% effective – if done correctly.

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