Beyond The 10 Irrefutable Laws Of Horsemanship
“Treats” – ready for action. Be sure they are used to reward good behavior. Unfortunately they are mostly used for rewarding bad behavior or they are given only to make the human feel loved by their horse. This is called spoiling.
In this HorseTalk™ webinar, my book called The Ten Irrefutable Laws Of Horsemanship is revisited and discussed to get a deeper understanding of how to use them every day with your horses.
Get a copy of my book, “The Ten Irrefutable Laws Of Horsemanship” before this webinar and read it – it is very short on purpose because I don’t want to complexicate this. It is included in your membership or you can get a paperback copy on Amazon. It is sized to fit in your back pocket. The book will be helpful to understand the topics before “going beyond” it.
The paperback version (and my other books) can be found at my other website by going to the book section (Amazon, iTunes, etc).
“Horsemanship Is Leadership™”
All horsemanship is nothing more than leadership. To become a great leader, you need to change only ONE thing …. YOU!
Horsemanship is simply about changing yourself, not the horse. Have you ever been able to change anyone like your parents, spouse or friends? How are those relationships? If you answered, “Not great,” then you need to hear this webcast. Becoming the effective leader that you know you can be will change every relationship in your life including the one you have with every horse you will ever know.