Foal Delivery – Birth (Parturition)

I loved delivering foals.  It is a miracle and also a pleasant challenge for me when they went wrong.  Maybe not pleasant for the mare or the owner but for me it was a puzzle I always solved.

Here is the facts.  90 out of 100 deliveries go without a problem.  Of the remaining 10, 9 usually have “elbow lock” which with the video I made here, all horse owners can resolve without their vet.  

Then there is the 1 in 100 that get stuck and often cause the death of the foal, the mare or both. These are the reason you stay up all night on foal watch and have your vet on speed dial. These are the ones I drove through blinding snow storms to go to.  I loved delivering foals.

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This video is from a vet watching her Jenny deliver her foal.

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