Horse Basic Care And Safety – Bandaging Non-wounds
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I have not written an article for this topic but be sure to check the captions of the images below.
As time moves on I am adding articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be something on every topic. Please be patient but if you are impatient, please contact me to encourage me to work on a specific topic. Go to the forum for “New Content Requests” and I’ll get right on it. Thanks for visiting this topic page. Doc T
One of the tasks required to bandaging is to roll the bandage into a tight roll. This is how I do it.
Also shown here is how to apply a standing leg wrap to apply even pressure to compress any limb fluid (edema) back into the vascular system. What I did not make clear in this video is that the white sheet cotton remains visible at the top and the bottom in the finished image (also seen in an image below). Applying a wrap directly to the limb without the padding of the cotton underneath can lead to too much compression and blocking blood flow numbing the leg or worse. Only with adequate training are grooms capable of applying a wrap without cushion beneath. This is common in sports where light protection is needed.
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