Horse Injury Prevention – Barn Filth And Disrepair
Having filth is a sign that the owner doesn’t care about the horses in his or her custody. But I have also seen inside the homes of these people and usually they are just as filthy. The environment is usually also in disrepair. This is either laziness or lack of money. Either way the horse is forced to live in it.
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Having filth is a sign that the owner doesn’t care about the horses in his or her custody. But I have also seen inside the homes of these people and usually they are just as filthy. The environment is usually also in disrepair. This is either laziness or lack of money. Either way the horse is forced to live in it.
Filth affects the health of horses most notably in their hooves and skin. The mental damage is something not assessed but when we work on horses in these filthy environments, the horses seem to want to say, “Take me away from this.”
The lack of respect for horses kept in filthy conditions is seen in other areas including their nutrition and their training. Changing the environment is never an option as filth and disrepair is part of the owner’s make up. The only way to change things is to move the horses to another farm, but unfortunately most of the owners of filthy farms are unwilling to sell or give away their horses. The same is seen in human homes and knowing this occurs in homes where respect and love are absent just breaks the hearts of those seeing it. Life isn’t fair.
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