Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Laundry Rooms
Laundry rooms are often seen in barns where horse hair can be kept from the clothes people wear. Washing horse blankets requires a heavy duty machine. Where there are a lot of horses using leg wraps, saddle pads and blankets, having a washer and dryer dedicated to the barn is almost essential.
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Laundry rooms are often seen in barns where horse hair can be kept from the clothes people wear. Washing horse blankets requires a heavy duty machine. Where there are a lot of horses using leg wraps, saddle pads and blankets, having a washer and dryer dedicated to the barn is almost essential.
Climate determines where a laundry room is located. In south Florida many hook up the machines on the back side of the barn with the drain hose laying on the ground. Dryers stand alongside and both machines are open to the air and exposed to the weather.
Colder climates have these machines tucked into the back of a utility room or installed on pedestals in dedicated laundry rooms. They all keep the horse clothes clean and ready to get dirty again.
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