Horse Body Features – An Introduction
Horses can have unique body features consistent with a breed. From a distance we can spot these as features of a Thoroughbred, a Norwegian Fjord, a Morgan or a miniature horse.
Horses can also have body features unique to an individual. These include face markings (star, stripe, snip), hair whorls and defects both congenital (sunken face, divots) and acquired (scars). I include these on identification papers.
These topics include some of the unique body features I have come across in my practice.
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Horse Body Features – Asses, Mules And Zebras
SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page. Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...
Horse Body Features – Facial Crests
Facial Crests Of Horses
Horse Body Features – Mustaches
SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Some horses have a natural mustache as seen here. I have seen a bunch in my years with horses but I have never heard any meaning attached to their presence other than most people think they are “cute.” Related material...
Horse Body Features – Neck Dimples
Neck Dimples Of Horses
Horse Body Features – Pygmy Miniature
Pygmy Miniature Horse
Horse Body Features – Rat Tail
Rat Tail In Horses
Horse Body Features – Roman Nose
Roman Nose In Horses
Horse Body Features – Striped Hooves
Striped Hooves In Horses
Horse Body Features – Sunken Face
Sunken Face In Horses
Horse Body Features – Swayback (Lordosis)
Swayback (Lordosis) In Horses
Horse Body Features – Whorls
Whorls On Horses
Horse Body Features – Wide Hips
Wide Hips In Horses