Horse Farm Systems – Feeding Systems
Systems to feed horses are developed to make life easier on the caretakers, keep the food in one place (efficiency), slow the consumption rate (slow feeders), keep the food from spoiling (weather) or automate the feeding time so horses can have food added at unattended times.
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Systems to feed horses are developed to make life easier on the caretakers, keep the food in one place (efficiency), slow the consumption rate (slow feeders), keep the food from spoiling (weather) or automate the feeding time so horses can have food added at unattended times.
Some of these feeding systems are time tested while others are relatively new ideas. The most common “new” way is slow feeding hay. The idea is to stretch out the length of time to consume the portion of hay given. This keeps the stomach full preventing stomach ulcers – or so they think. In reality, stomach ulcers occur when a horse is exercised (trained) on an empty stomach AND there is a dysbiosis (see the nutrition section).
One day I called the owner of the “Busy Horse Hay Net” because they were falling apart. He told me he had them made in China because he couldn’t afford the manufacturing process in the US. I complained to my client who lives here in my hometown. She said she is a canvas maker specializing in boat coverings. She said she could make a hay net for horses that not only would last but would be made in America. This is how the “Nibble Net” was started. I readily endorse this product at their website nibblenet.com.
Most of you know I do not believe horses should be fed grain. This said, we have all been raised in barns with feeding systems. This gallery will show you some of the feeding systems I have seen at farms throughout the country. The automated systems really intrigue me. Relax and enjoy.
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