Horse Farm Systems – Generators
These noise makers are handy to have when the power goes out. The most common use is for the water pump but you can also keep a filled pressure tank in your water system for emergencies. Another good reason for backup power is for electric fans in the summer here in FL.
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These noise makers are handy to have when the power goes out. The most common use is for the water pump but you can also keep a filled pressure tank in your water system for emergencies. Another good reason for backup power is for electric fans in the summer here in FL.
Generators require fuel and this combustible mix needs to be stored away from the barn. Many generators are installed outside the barn with the fuel tank buried. Generators should be installed by a competent electrician because you do not want that generator feeding power lines outside the house and electrocuting a repairman working on the troubled line.
Here are some examples of generators I have seen on farms.
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