Horse Barn Specialized Areas – An Introduction
The topics covered here are the unique areas on farms made for a specific purpose (farrier station, vet lab, tack rooms, turn out sheds). The images here are the ones I see the most on farms.
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Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Assisted Horse Riding Facilities
The efficacy of using horses as therapy for people with mental, emotional or physical challenges is unquestioned. Barns that have adapted their facilities to accommodate these people and their families are now found everywhere. Access ramps, people lifts, grandstands and other specialized equipment are installed strategically for daily use.
These images are from a few assisted riding barns I have visited. I am not an expert and information for creating a barn specific for this use is abundant elsewhere.
Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Feed Rooms
Feed rooms are specialized areas within the barn used for preparing the food delivered to the horses. It often doubles as storage for food but here, the article and images are about organization and preparation.
Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Grooming Stalls And Wash Racks
One of the fun things to do with horses is bathing and grooming the horse. Even the hard edged rancher appreciates a clean horse. Having a specialized area to do these things is common on almost every farm I visit.
Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Laundry Rooms
Laundry rooms are often seen in barns where horse hair can be kept from the clothes people wear. Washing horse blankets requires a heavy duty machine. Where there are a lot of horses using leg wraps, saddle pads and blankets, having a washer and dryer dedicated to the barn is almost essential.
Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Professional Working Areas
Areas dedicated for use by visiting professionals are found in large barns where their activity can be separated from the day to day activities of grooming or the movement of horses in and out of the barn. This helps efficiency and work flow. It also assures the professional a clean and well lit area to work in out of the weather elements. Power is readily available and ventilation, heat and fly control are common features as well as a clean floor and a work environment free of dangerous obstacles.
Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Sheds And Turnouts
The ability for a horse to live outside is accomplished on many farms by providing structures that allow for free entrance and exit at anytime for the horses. These structures provide protection from the weather including rain, snow and wind. Some incorporate doors that usually remain open but can be closed for containment when needed.
Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Tack Rooms
If you ride your horses you will need a place to keep your saddle, bridle and cleaning supplies. This room should be organized and kept clean. This said, I have seen plenty of owners who work out of a trunk or the back of their car. One thing should be kept in mind – the safety that comes with proper care for the riding equipment. Cracked leather becomes dangerous when it breaks as you gallop or jump. Pride is an emotion that comes with knowing that your tack, though old, is the most well cared personal property you own.