Horse Barn Specialized Areas – Grooming Stalls And Wash Racks
One of the fun things to do with horses is bathing and grooming the horse. Even the hard edged rancher appreciates a clean horse. Having a specialized area to do these things is common on almost every farm I visit.
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One of the fun things to do with horses is bathing and grooming the horse. Even the hard edged rancher appreciates a clean horse. Having a specialized area to do these things is common on almost every farm I visit.
Local weather determines where these wet areas are located and how they are constructed. Where the temperature never falls below freezing it is common to have the wash stall outside away from the barn. In colder climates there may be heating elements above (caution with the electricity and water) or a concrete floor with incorporated radiant heat and a door that closes the wash stall. Having hot water available is needed in colder climates with a good mixing faucet with easy handles.
Horses are usually groomed in a grooming stall that has cross ties to keep the horse in position while the groomer can work their way around the horse. Cross ties can also be placed in the barn aisle where the horse is groomed. This utilizes the available space without committing stall space to grooming. Some owners groom the horse in the stall they live in and others just tie the horse to a hitching post or a bungee cord attached to the back wall. This is very common on Thoroughbred training farms and is the reason why Thoroughbreds often turn away from someone entering their stall and face the back wall. They were trained to do this and it should not be considered bad behavior. Personally I never walk behind any horse, loose or tied. I have known of too many people grooming their horse and, without warning, get kicked.
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