Horse Immune Diseases – An Introduction
Immune diseases in horses
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Horse Immune Diseases – Allergic Bronchitis
Allergic Bronchitis In Horses
Horse Immune Diseases – Equine Asthma (COPD, Heaves)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) In Horses
Horse Immune Diseases – Eye Inflammation (Uveitis)
Eye Inflammation In Horses
Horse Immune Diseases – Hives
Hives are small to medium sized flat lumps that occur locally or all over the horse’s body.
Horse Immune Diseases – Insect Sensitivity
Insect sensitivity can range in degrees between different horses from mild to severe but is always during fly season.
The End Of A Year – Tetanus In A Horse
This is a story about tetanus in a foal, a bacterial disease that paralyzes horses (and humans) killing them when they can no longer breathe. We vaccinate for this disease and it is almost 100% effective – if done correctly.
Horse Skin And Hair – Warts
Warts are virus caused growths on the skin usually on young horses and usually on the lips and muzzle.
Horse Neoplastic Diseases – Squamous Cell Of The Skin
This common cancer is locally invasive on pink skin such as the eyes, penis, and in the skull of the horse.
Horse Skin And Hair – Ringworm
Fungal infections can affect the skin of the horse and is contagious between horses and humans. There is usually an immunosuppression factor involved.
Horse Neoplastic Diseases – Equine Sarcoid
Equine Sarcoid is a benign tumor of the skin of the horse that is very common, usually limiting itself to above the knee and forward of the girth.
Foal Diseases – Failure Of Passive Transfer
An excerpt is coming soon.
Podcast #005 – Should Your Horse Be Turned Out On The Spring Green Grass?
Should Your Horse Be Turned Out On The Spring Green Grass?– The Horse’s Advocate Podcast #005
Podcast #031 – Molds, Mycotoxins And Soaking Horse Hay
Molds, Mycotoxins And Soaking Horse Hay – The Horse’s Advocate Podcast #031