Horse Toxins And Poisons – An Introduction
Materials that affect normal biochemical processes in the body are called either a toxin (plant or animal origin such as venom or a bacteria) or a poison (any substance that causes illness, teratogenic birth defects or death). Each topic addresses one of these. Thankfully there are few substances that overtly affect our domesticated horses but when they do, the results are usually fatal. These include animals (snake bites), bacteria (tetanus) and plants (yew, red maple, black wall nut shavings). Some can be transient such as the seasonal clover drools. Some can cause abortion of the fetus such as ergot mold. Some cause death.
More concerning are the toxins and poisons that are subtle in their effects. We don’t normally call them poisons but over time, they drain the horse of vitality or cause their premature death. These include heavy metals in the soil or the feeding of inflammatory food over years.
Avoidance is the key because with toxins and poisons, treatments often have poor results.
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Acorns
Acorns In Horses
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Clover Hypersalivation (drools)
In some parts of the United States and usually in August, horses can become sensitive to a fungus growing on clover that makes them excessively drool.
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Creeping Indigo
Creeping Indigo In Horses
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Maple Leaf Toxicity
The wilted red maple leaf (not the falling leaf in autumn) can destroy the kidneys of horses leading to renal failure and death.
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Yew Shrubs
Yew Shrubs In Horses
The End Of A Year – Tetanus In A Horse
This is a story about tetanus in a foal, a bacterial disease that paralyzes horses (and humans) killing them when they can no longer breathe. We vaccinate for this disease and it is almost 100% effective – if done correctly.
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Tetanus
SummaryArticleVideosRelated Material Welcome to this topic page. Right now I have not written an article and summary but be sure to check for images in the gallery. As time moves on I am adding summaries and articles, videos and podcasts so eventually there will be...
Podcast #031 – Molds, Mycotoxins And Soaking Horse Hay
Molds, Mycotoxins And Soaking Horse Hay – The Horse’s Advocate Podcast #031
Horse Toxins And Poisons – Molds And Mycotoxins
Acorns In Horses