Horse Farm Waste Management – Composting
Composting of horse waste is done on several farms I visit. This has several benefits that are discussed here with pictures of some set ups on a few farms.
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Composting of horse waste is done on several farms I visit. This has several benefits that are discussed here with pictures of some set ups on a few farms
Many horse owners like to turn their horse waste into fertilizer. Composting is a procedure where fresh waste is allowed to remain in a contained area and with the addition of air through pipes, the bacteria digest the waste into other organic matter that is good for the soil. This composting material is turned over and / or moved to another container two times to ensure complete digestion by the bacteria.
I am not an expert in this nor am I a gardener. You will need to look for other material on how to do this. Included here are some images of set ups I have seen on farms. There are other setups but this will get your ideas started. I have heard in my travels that the type of bedding used makes a difference with wheat straw being the best. I would also think that the feeding of grain would also affect the final product. I know it affects the health of the horse.
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