Horse Farm Waste Management – Containers
Containment of horse waste is needed where it will be hauled away in the future. Many keep it in a trailer or a manure spreader where once or twice a week it is emptied. Waste containment is important and in some areas are required to meet strict standards. Some are portable containers and others are permanent areas that are periodically emptied.
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Containment of horse waste is needed where it will be hauled away in the future. Many keep it in a trailer or a manure spreader where once or twice a week it is emptied. Waste containment is important and in some areas are required to meet strict standards. Some are portable containers and others are permanent areas that are periodically emptied.
For many farms a pile is made, usually away from the barn, where a pickup is scheduled. Some ordinances require that these containers are leak proof with a water containment system such as 3 walls and a front lip. Remember when rain falls on a manure pile there is contaminated runoff. Also keep in mind where your water well is located and keep the pile far from that. One more thing. A pile will create heat which will cook the parasites and kill them. However this will not occur in the shallow surfaces so spreading your pile on horse pastures is still not a good idea.
Some just use a garbage bin from barrel size to full size roll back containers. These are picked up regularly and are replaced with an empty container. Waste is deposited from the stall into the container. Remember to clean up spilled waste around the containers. Again, some ordinances require water leakage containment from these too. Plenty of images here to show this.
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