Podcast #038 – Horses In Addition And Subtraction Of Science
We look to science to find the answers and yet it appears that science is either failing or is being usurped by marketing to sell agenda driven scientific results to horse owners. Today’s podcast will look at the complexities of the art of scientific research and how it is being manipulated by marketing with the result not always in the best interest of horses. Is it the scientists fault? Not really. It is the art of science that non-scientists)don’t realize is fallible. This leads to lack of trust at best and at worse, the harm of us and our horses.
This is just a discussion not really of science but of all horse owners and technicians (including veterinarians) who want to trust the science but are confused when we see that the science isn’t always working. Instead, maybe we should start subtracting what we think we know in our additions to the lives of horses and look at what evolution has taught us and trusting in the great experiment of nature.