Podcast #041 – Dentistry Lectures At The 2021 AAEP Meeting

The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) held their annual meeting last month and offered a section on the current state of equine dentistry.

There were 8 lectures and a panel discussion.  I report here what they said in each lecture and then add my commentary and interpretations as to how it applies to horses from an owner’s perspective.

  1. How to Perform a Thorough Oral Examination
  2. How to Obtain Diagnostic Dental Radiographs
  3. How to Recognize and Evaluate Periodontal Disease
  4. Equipment and Treatment of Periodontal Disease
  5. How to Recognize and Manage Age-Related Dental Problems in Geriatric Patients
  6. How to Refer: What to Obtain, Gather, and Share for a Consultation or Referral
  7. How to Perform Minimally Invasive Sinoscopy
  8. How to Identify and Extract Blind Wolf Teeth
  9. Panel Discussion

I am still not clear that what they can now offer with detailed examinations (digital X-rays, CT scans, Sinoscopy really advances the health of the horse teeth more than good, regular and routine care. You be the judge.
