Weed Killer In My Beer And Wine
(above) Doc T gives a presentation on nutrition to horse owners at a “Horse Extravaganza” in Naples FL February 2019.
Glyphosate (Roundup®)
There are a lot of you out there who drink beer and a lot who drink wine. Some drink both. Today’s newspaper has some bad news for you. There is weed killer in your favorite beverage.
All brands were tested and all the common ones had glyphosate including an organic wine. This is the chemical made by about 7 different companies and used around the world. Most of you know it as “Roundup.” This word strikes fear in many people. It is the reason for genetically modifying foods so they are immune to the effects of glyphosate. Like the sticky note and Viagra, glyphosate with genetic modification was an accidental discovery that was embraced by all needing a solution to their problem. The problem was weeds in the crop competing for nutrition. The solution was kill the weeds but not the crop and one of the first crops was soy beans.
As you all know I recommend soy bean meal as a good source of a quality protein for horses. I get resistance from people because soy beans are genetically modified to allow the use of glyphosate. Horse owners don’t want their horses poisoned by this chemical and now we find out that our beer and wine is poisoning us with this weed killer.
The Liver
I want to introduce a subject that I am currently discovering that is mind blowing. It is the incredible capacity of our liver to protect us and feed us. If healthy, it can clean up and spit out glyphosate and a whole basket full of toxicants we consume each day.
If it is healthy….
In humans, livers from healthy donors are tested for non alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) before they are transplanted into recipients. This is where the person passes a health check and blood work before their livers are harvested for a transplant. Almost half (42%) of the livers are rejected from these otherwise healthy people because of too much fat crammed into the crannies of the liver tissue. We don’t normally biopsy the liver so we don’t know the actual degree of NAFL in the human or horse population. But if we assume that the healthy donors represent the general healthy population then about half of the people, including you, have this condition that makes the liver less functional. We don’t know if horses have this subclinical problem but their livers are very similar to humans.
Think of the liver like the cupboard in your kitchen storing fuel, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins and more. When humans and horses do stuff it creates a need for things stored in the cupboard. The liver realizes this and it sends materials out from its storage on demand. It’s just like you making a cake. You gather the ingredients from the cupboard like flour, sugar, eggs, butter and baking powder plus all the little things you need to make it a special cake.
Now imagine you want to make several cakes. You may not have enough ingredients in your kitchen so you stop cooking and go to the food store to resupply. That is exactly what eating is. It is restocking our bodies with materials that the liver stores ready for the constant need for these materials such as fuel or minerals.
Fat In The Liver
When food is processed in the digestive tract, the resulting materials are sent to the liver before going anywhere else in the body. The liver is the port of entry from the gut. 70% of the blood flowing through the liver comes from the stomach, small intestines, cecum and most of the colon. The liver stores these materials or converts them into more useful materials storing those. When the demand for a material is signaled to the liver, it releases the material into the blood and sent to the area in need. This goes on in every moment of life.
In humans, the supply of fuel to the liver exceeds the demand by the body and the liver fat and sugar (glycogen) stores are filled to overflowing. The overflow goes into body fat and belly fat.
In horses the same process occurs. In ponies, minis and donkeys this process can become extreme causing life threatening issues such as fat in the blood. My concern is in the horse with a moderate amount of body fat. Underneath this is the conversion of protein into fuel. In other words the muscle in the top line is consumed as food. How can this happen? I believe it is because the horse is being over fed throughout the year and the fat in the liver is unable to be used as fuel for the cells.
Some research in humans show that the filled liver is unable to process the fuel stored there. The treatment being used is to increase protein intake and increase the intake of resistant starches. In horses with fatty livers the treatment is similar though they don’t mention resistant starches.
Resistant starches are also known as prebiotics. The sugar in these foods resist digestion in the small intestine. Instead they are digested in the hind gut which lowers their impact on insulin and also feeds the gut bacteria of the colon. The sugar from these starches sparks the process of proteins removing the stored fat from the liver cells. These freed liver fats then are used for cell fuel. As the liver fat is used it is replaced from body fat stores and the horse becomes lean.
In the meantime the amount of food, especially sugar, entering the horse is decreased. This is part of the reason that the no-grain diet works in slimming down the horse. Adding soy bean meal is adding protein needed to move out the stored fat in the liver. The protein plus the available liver fuel combines to lower the appetite of the horse which decreases the amount of food eaten. The result is normal body fat in most horses and a horse with a more efficient liver has more available energy to perform both cellular tasks (health) and body functions (compete in a sport).
Unclogging the Liver
Once the liver has reduced the amount of stored fat and the flow of blood through it is free, the liver is more capable of removing most toxins taken into the body. In the beer and wine story, the amount of glyphosate is, according to government standards, far below toxic levels. This is arguable with none being the only acceptable level. Air pollution is well known and so are toxicants in our water supply. They exist everywhere as seen in the organic wine.
If the liver is clogged with excess fuel then it cannot be efficient at any of the multiple processes it is in charge of. Removing toxins is one of these. Reducing the body fat and the liver fat is part of the wintering effect we see in all animals where food is limited. As long as we continue to feed our horses throughout the year with foods efficient in creating fat (grains) then the livers will not be as efficient as possible. Toxicants such as glyphosate and minerals such as iron cannot be effectively dealt with by the clogged liver.
It is time to look at the real culprit behind toxicants and mineral excesses. It is most likely a clogged liver brought on by feeding our horses more than they need to survive. Feeding low starch forage plus adequate protein should help in restoring the health to the liver of your horses. Adding protein seems to be essential in the restoration of liver health in humans and has been reported in dogs and cats. The liver can regenerate itself in 4 weeks. This is one of the reasons so many people see improvement in their horses in as little as 2 weeks by removing the inflammatory grains and grain byproducts. Adding temporarily soy bean meal will continue to restore health to your horse. After a year or two, most of the horse will be restored and you can resume the all forage diet they were created to eat. Without worries of toxicants such as glyphosate. Maybe then you can share a beer with them – on occasion.
Thank You so much for sharing this amazing information. I have one horse on the no grain challenge since August 2018, and is doing wonderfully. I have been starting another new horse as of about a month ago. Have just started adding soy bean meal.
Thanks, Cindy
Thank you for reading, listening and applying. Please share as you can. Gratefully, Doc T
Hi! I just want to thank you for all if your posts! You explain everything in a way that we can ALL understand!
Last year in June, I had a gallstone “attack”. That hurt! Went to the doctor, they did all the tests and found numerous gallstones. They also had me take a MRI. I found out from that, that I have a “mild” fatty liver. Everything I have read so far, doesn’t say anything about eating more protein. It is all about low fat diets , no sugar, and less carbs. If increasing the amount of protein we give to our horses works for them, will it work for us?
Thank you for all if your information!
In humans, Dr Christianson (The Metabolic Reset Diet) advocates about 80g of pea protein and 10,000mg resistant starch daily for 28 days. In horses it is Dr Tom Divers (Cornell vet school) advocating protein and glucose for fatty liver syndrome and he sites Dr Sharon Center (Cornell vet school) for similar findings in dogs and cats.
The premise behind what Dr Christianson calls “leaky liver” and what I call “liver overflow” is that ALL food is converted into the same 3 materials (glucose, triglycerides or “fat” and amino acids from proteins). He believes it is not what you eat (low fat, low carb, no sugar) but how much we eat. A liver that receives too much fuel will overflow into body fat once it becomes saturated. If this fuel abundance persists then the liver cannot access the stored fuel. It becomes “stuck.” This affects other systems including his favorite organ the thyroid. He also believes that fatty liver and leaky liver are behind insulin resistance, diabetes and protein loss through abnormal consumption.
Bile production is intimately related to proper liver function. I have been told how severely painful a gallstone is and I would not wish that on anyone. If decreasing food intake and increasing protein intake is all that is needed to prevent bile blockages, reduce body fat and make the 2nd largest organ in our body efficient again then count me in!
Thanks for reading (AND SHARING) and commenting. Doc T
You did an amazing job explaining this in an uncomplicated version.
Thanks Adriene :-}